7 tips to get the most out of Ignite (and most conferences)

Microsoft Ignite is here again and it’s bigger than ever. Bigger doesn’t necessarily mean better. The combined events of Ignite and Envision mean there are some 25.000 attendees running around. There are multiple sessions, each moment of the day. This means controlled chaos, long days and lots and lots of walking.

Here are my 7 tips to get most out of Ignite:

1. Plan ahead. This is an easy one. Microsoft has a great app for Ignite, to sort your sessions according to topics, Speakers, levels location, etc. Use it to plan your days and stay up-to-date with any changes in the schedule. Try to take into account that the conference center is so big, that you it can easily take you more 15 minutes to walk from one session to another.
2. Be flexible. Sometimes, sessions are too far apart or fill up soon. There are multiple sessions at each time, so try to have a backup session, so you adjust your schedule accordingly.
3. Put on good walking shoes. The amount of walking you do is crazy. You’re constantly running from, one session to another, so putting on some good walking shoes or sneakers definitely makes your day a better one.
4. Arrive early. When you arrive early, take some time to have a proper breakfast. Chances are that you might skip lunch, because you simply don’t have the time.
5. Rest. The days are long and you hear and see so much. Getting some early z’s. This let’s you get your energy back and ready for another day. This might mean you have to skip a party or, but it’s worth it in the long run.
6. Block your calendar when you get back to work. The amount of things you want to dive into when you got back home, is probably a lot. Chances are, that you will get swamped with work, the minute you get back at the office. The risk you get here, is that you won’t do much with all the information you have absorbed during the week before. Block some time in your calendar the minute you get back to avoid this.
7. Swag Mania. The main reason your probably here, is for the sessions. Don’t get tempted by long lines for swag you probably don’t need and raffles that make you miss sessions.
So that’s it. Hopefully you will find some use of these tips. During this and next week, I will post more content from the sessions here at Microsoft Ignite.