Adding sets of items to arbitrary collections using extensions methods

Don't you just hate the fact that only some collection classes provide a possibility too add more than one item at once (such as List<T> does offer via AddRange).

This means that often I'm writing this kind of code:

var q = <some cool linq query>;
foreach(var i in q)

So I decided to write a little extension method to solve this problem; see below:


public static class CollectionExtension
    public static void AddRange<T>(this ICollection<T> target, IEnumerable<T> source)
        foreach (T item in source)

This allows you to write code like:

var q = <some cool linq query>;

Seems like just a bit of saving, but when you apply this throughout the code, you will find it to save quite a bit. And I think it makes the code more readable…
Not the most advanced extension method ever 🙂 , but hey, if it helps…

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