Blogging using Windows Live Writer

Microsoft has (beta)released a new tool for blogging:

Windows Live Writer

This tool can be used with Windows LiveSpaces, but can also be configured to use your own blogging engine.

Now that we are at Community Server, with usable metablog API support I thought I'd try it.

After all, who needs legacy software like Microsoft Word 2007 🙂

I found a nice guide on how to configure live writer for Community Server. Rather simple actually, but having a screen-by-screen walkthrough always helps after a busy day at work…

First glance of Live Writer says that it looks pretty good. I can even assign tags in the form of categories. A drawback however is that I cannot seem to add new categories using live writer. So for that I'll still have to use the Community Server web site.

(Of course, this post has been done using Live Writer)