Downloading Managementpacks from the MP Catalog with powershell

The other day I saw a question popping up at systemcentercentral asking if someone had succesfully connected to the Web Service on Pinpoint via powershell in order to automatically download managementpacks. I knew there already was a script available from Daniele Muscetta which provides a way to connect to the webservice of the MPCatalog in order to compare Managementpack versions. This script still works, and as a matter of fact this is exactly the request that the console uses to connect to the webservice (it does not use the Pinpoint website which is new for downloading managementpacks).

So i figured I’d give it a shot. I used Daniele’s script and used fiddler to capture the SOAP requests and responses initiated from the Operations Manager Console to figure out the properties for the download location and here’s the results.

This script DownloadMPs.ps1 accepts one parameter to search for a specific pattern in the managementpack name. If none provided it will return all managementpacks (also different languages). It then searches for managementpacks in the Catalog returns a list and will give you the option to save them.

After selecting a download folder the files will be downloaded:

A good start as far as I’m concerned. I hope this helps.

Find attached the script I used.
