EA (Sparx Enterprise Architect) keeps on asking for password

Ever had it happen, that when you

  • use Vista
  • have EA stored in a database on the network
  • are not part of the domain

that EA keeps on asking for the password to connect to the database, no matter what you do? Strangely enough this does not happen within Windows XP.

The solution to this problem is that you should run EA as your domain account.

Take these steps to solve this problem:

  1. Go to the properties of the EA shortcut on your desktop
  2. Add this command to the ‘Target’: runas.exe /netonly /user:<domain name><your username> “<location of the EA.exe file”

e.g.: runas.exe /netonly /user:mydomainmyusername “C:Program Files (x86)Sparx SystemsEAEA.exe”

Each time you run EA via this shortcut, it will first request your password and then you can connect to the database without any problems.

(btw: you can add your pwd to the runas.exe statement, but  I would not advise that)