At Info Support, we are aware that all our business activities have a direct effect on our environment. Making our business more sustainable is therefore very important to us. Not only for the sake of the environment, but also out of our social commitment.

Sustainability certificates

Info Support holds the EcoVadis silver certificate and the Hellios FSQS-NL certificate. We highly value corporate social responsibility and view these certificates as recognition of our commitment and ongoing efforts to achieve sustainable growth for the environment, society and business.

Since its founding in 2007, EcoVadis has become the world’s largest and most trusted provider of corporate sustainability ratings, with a global network of more than 90,000 rated companies. The EcoVadis sustainability assessment methodology is central to their Ratings and Scorecards and is an evaluation of how well a company has integrated the principles of sustainability/CSR into its business and management system. This methodology is based on international sustainability standards, including the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact and ISO 26000, which covers 200+ spending categories and 160+ countries. The Sustainability Scorecard illustrates performance on 21 indicators in four themes: environment, labor and human rights, ethics and sustainable procurement.

Hellios FSQS-NL
FSQS-NL (Financial Services Qualification System-Netherlands) is a network of financial institutions, including banks and insurance companies. The community works together to establish a standard for the often complex landscape of third and fourth parties managing information on their behalf. A number of large financial institutions are now using the system to test their suppliers in a uniform way. With the FSQS certificate we show our stakeholders that we are transparent about our risk management and also give them additional assurance in the areas of security, compliance and corporate responsibility.

Initiatives we support

Digital Days

Digital Days is an initiative of Info Support and other companies in the FoodValley region to introduce high school students to IT. Digital Days gives them a taste of ICT and inspires them with professionals from the field. Info Support has been involved in the event as the main sponsor from the very first edition.


Info Support supports Foundation Joining Hands for Gambia. The Foundation is committed to self-reliance for the people of Latriya, Gambia. They do this by building schools, medical posts and installing wells. In the process, they also train local people to run and maintain everything.


Info Support believes that IT is crucial for future employment. That is why we contribute to Littil; providing programming lessons to elementary school children to introduce them to programming in a fun way. By getting them excited about the profession at an early age, we not only lay the foundation for future IT professionals, but also build a bridge between technology and education.

Open source

Info Support collaborates, maintains and invests in various open source projects because we believe it is important to advance our field. The open source community ensures that there is software available worldwide that can be improved by any passionate developer. This really impacts the world around us.

Top Employer

Info Support has been recognized as Top Employer Netherlands 2024. This certification demonstrates that Info Support continues to develop in topics such as People Strategy, Work Environment, Learning, Well-being, Diversity & Inclusion to create a better world of work. Because as in building custom software, we also want to remain at the forefront in this area!


In 2024, our headquarters has again been awarded the Green Certificate. This certificate is proof that 100% of all electricity consumption comes from renewable energy sources. This makes the electricity consumption CO2 neutral.

Info Support has taken environmental awareness and energy efficiency into account when selecting data centers. The operations of the selected parties are completely CO2 neutral thanks to significant energy savings, the use of green energy such as hydropower and investments in global green projects.

World Sustainable Development Goals

An end to extreme poverty, inequality, injustice and climate change. That is the core of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The 193 member states of the United Nations (UN) have adopted this development agenda for 2015 – 2030. Info Support’s ambitions contribute directly and indirectly to almost all of the UN’s SDGs. Here we focus on the SDGs we can influence the most; decent work and economic growth, reducing inequality, responsible consumption and production, and climate action.