Managed Cloud Platform Services

With Managed Cloud Platform Services, Info Support offers a set of standardised cloud management services that ensure you are in control of your cloud landscape now and in the future.

Get Cloud Control

Managed Cloud Platform Services (MCPS) allows you to completely outsource the management of your cloud environment. Whether public cloud, private cloud in your or one of our data centres or a hybrid variant; our team of driven T-shaped professionals takes responsibility for the availability and continuity of your systems. This ensures that the endless possibilities of the cloud in terms of performance, speed, flexibility and scalability are exploited, while you can fully focus on your business.

Most organisations have made the move to the cloud and been introduced to all the possibilities. It is very easy to take this step and bring your applications to the cloud, but then…

It is important to set up and manage the cloud environment so that it matches your organisation’s objectives. Ideally, this should be done before the transition to cloud, but this is usually not the case. Cloud developments are continuous and follow each other in rapid succession. A lot of knowledge is involved and it is difficult to keep up. The result is that, as an organisation, you are not completely in control. This has consequences for the:

  • Cost
  • Security
  • Stability and continuity
  • Compliance and monitoring
  • Data management
  • Innovativeness

Managed Cloud Platform Services aims to ‘Get Cloud Control’. Info Support deploys its expertise with a set of innovative cloud management services in which, in a strategic partnership, we ensure you stay in control of your cloud setup and continuously realise the maximum potential of cloud. Think of us as your Cloud Centre of Excellence proactively advising you on costs, improved set-ups, renewals and reducing vendor lock-in.

How can I help you?

Do you have questions about managing your application, infrastructure or platform? Please contact us without obligation.

Lammert Vinke

Unit Manager Agriculture, Food & Retail