Privacy statement

Professionalism is everything to us. Every day, we work on solid and innovative solutions that directly or indirectly touch the daily lives of almost everyone. To provide you with the best possible service, we need data.

Your privacy

We respect your privacy and are happy to let you know what we do with your details.

Who are we?

Info Support is the leading specialist in developing high-quality software solutions and is a leader in Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cloud Architecture, Managed Services and IT training. With an agile mentality and software craftsmanship, over 500 professionals help clients move forward in the agrifood, retail, energy, fintech, mobility, pension and healthcare sectors. Info Support furthermore believes in the power of community and actively contributes to various open-source initiatives. Info Support has offices in the Netherlands and Belgium.

This privacy statement applies to the following companies: Info Support B.V., Info Support N.V. (Belgium) and Info Support MITS B.V.:

To provide you with the best possible service, we need data. We respect your privacy in collecting that data and are happy to let you know what we do with your details. Info Support is the controller of the personal data that we process about you.

Why do we process personal data?

We need the personal data in order to communicate with you, for instance when:

  • sending a newsletter
  • using a contact form
  • attending an event
  • completing an application process
  • providing services
What personal data do we process?

Visiting websites

  • Use of cookies

Info Support uses cookies on its websites. Cookies are small data files that are stored on the device you use to visit our website, such as a computer, tablet, smartphone or smartwatch. Cookies do not compromise the security of your device. We use different types of cookies, which you can read more about in our cookie policy. We use only essential cookies, analytic cookies and pre-generated social media buttons, which means your information is not shared with third parties. Please see our cookie policy for more information on the use of cookies on our websites.

  • Use of the contact form

You can contact us by completing a contact form or sending us an e-mail. The data you provide may be included in our CRM system and, where appropriate, sent to a contact person at Info Support to provide you with the best possible service. The data is also used to monitor the (correct) operation of the website. Emails are kept for up to two years after your question or comment has been dealt with.



If you would like to be kept up to date with the latest trends and developments in our services or career opportunities, please subscribe to one or more of our newsletters. We will add your name and e-mail address to our mailing list. We will retain this information until you unsubscribe from the relevant newsletter. Each time you receive a newsletter from us, we will give you the opportunity to unsubscribe or change your details.


Participation in an event or promotion

Info Support regularly hosts knowledge evenings, workshops, other events and promotions. We need to know who will be attending, so you need to register for events. For each event, we specify what information we need and how we will process it: for instance, to inform you of the time and place of the event, to send you a reminder, to warn you in good time if the event does not take place, or to send you a report or presentation after the event. We keep this information in our CRM system for two years. We keep the data of IT students who attend student events for six months, unless you give us permission to keep those data for two years after graduation. For some events we need extra help, which may require us to engage third parties. Photos and videos are taken at our events for reporting, registration or future promotional purposes. You may therefore appear in photos or videos that we use for publication after the event. The footage will be kept on our media database for two calendar years. Please note that you may at any time have any footage in which you are recognisable deleted.


Social media

Info Support uses social media to keep you up to date with the latest trends and developments in our services. You can follow us on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. No conditions are attached to the use of Info Support’s social media. You agree to the terms and conditions of the social media platform. If you ask us a question or download something from us via social media, we will respond via the same social media or contact you using the details you have left on the platform.

Info Support uses the advertising features of social media platforms. We show you the ads based on data that the relevant platform collects with your consent. Info Support has no control over what data the social media platforms collect from you and under what conditions.


Visit to office/visitor registration

Visitors to our Veenendaal office are registered, mainly as an emergency aid (who are present in the building). When you arrive or leave, you must register at reception. The visitor registration is deleted after a few days. In exceptional cases, this retention period may be adjusted (for instance in the event of an incident or a special situation, such as the corona pandemic).

  • By arrangement, visitors to Veenendaal may be provided with a numbered visitor pass. The issue and return of the pass are registered. A tracking system always shows the last place where a specific visitor pass was used to open a door. The visitor pass registration is deleted after a few days. In exceptional cases, this retention period may be adjusted (for instance in the event of an incident or a special situation, such as the corona pandemic).
  • Camera security
    All our offices are equipped with high-visibility and covert cameras, both inside and outside in the car park. The cameras are operational 24 hours a day. This is important for your safety, but also for that of our colleagues and property. The camera footage is not actively monitored. Only in the event of actual or suspected incidents, such as theft or damage to property, is the footage reviewed by authorised staff. Camera footage is deleted after two weeks, unless an incident has been recorded and there are legal reasons to retain the footage for a longer period, such as a police investigation. In that case, camera footage will be retained until the incident has been resolved.
  • Wi-Fi network
    If you are visiting one of our offices, you may use Wi-Fi free of charge. When you log on to our Wi-Fi network, data such as the identification number (MAC address) of your device is automatically collected. This data is deleted after one year and is used by Info Support only to prevent misuse. If any illegal activity takes place from our Wi-Fi network, we may block the device you are using from accessing our Wi-Fi network in the future.


Job applicants

If you apply for a job via our website, we will add your details to our CRM system in order to optimise the application process.

During the application process, your details will be shared with colleagues directly involved in your application. For some positions, an assessment is part of the application process. In that case, you will be informed, and your details will be shared with the organisation conducting the assessment.

If you do not enter our employment, we will retain your data for six weeks after the end of the process or ask your express consent to retain your data for a longer period, for instance to fill another vacancy, if any. With your consent, we will retain your data for a period of two years.


Pre-employment screening

ICT positions are often labelled as integrity-sensitive positions, for which our clients impose screening requirements. To fulfil its role as an employer, Info Support must anticipate such requirements, because clients will entrust Info Support with sensitive information or business-critical systems only if we can engage reliable staff. Screening is therefore a necessary tool for Info Support to mitigate business risks related to employability by employing reliable staff (as also referred to above).

The screening is based on the following components:

  • Verification of signed integrity statement and authorisation form
  • Verification of identity and address details
  • Verification of curriculum vitae
  • A legible copy of work and residence permit (if applicable)
  • Verification of diplomas and certificates (checking most relevant or highest level of education)
  • Telephone reference checks with the most recent or most relevant employer
  • Certificate of Conduct (VOG); checked for authenticity and date of issue
  • Court registry checks (including bankruptcy register)

This screening is outsourced to International Integrity Services. This is a specialised screening agency under the direct supervision of the Ministry of Justice and Security.


Provision of services

When we enter into an agreement with you to provide our services or to receive your services, we will collect the personal data that we need to do so: name, job title and contact details. We will retain these data for as long as necessary.


Participation in a training course

When you register for a training course at Info Support’s Knowledge Centre, we will process personal data about you. We will store the information we receive from you or your employer. This information will be kept for as long as necessary.


Storage of your data when you participate in a training course

We collect and store the following personal data:

  • Name (first and last), address and other contact details
  • Details of the course you have applied for, including payment details
  • Your feedback on the course and other information you provide
  • Personal data relating to your training, such as your attendance, any results, and whether you have (successfully) completed the training


How we use your data when you attend a training course

We use your personal data for the following purposes:

  • To register and administrate your participation in the course you have chosen
  • To provide the training you have chosen
  • To carry out analyses to improve our services
  • To advise on a course or follow-up course
  • To keep you informed about all our services and products
  • To send you requested documents/information and to respond to your requests


Sharing information with third parties if you attend a training course
We may share your information with our training and other partners if you register for a course provided by or at a location of that partner. The name of our partner will be mentioned in the course description. The information you provide during registration will then be shared with our training partner.

How do we secure your data?

We take appropriate security measures to limit misuse of and unauthorised access to your personal data. We have an information security policy in place for this purpose. We ensure, for instance, that only the persons who need to have access to your data do so, that access to your personal data is protected, and that our security measures are regularly reviewed. We also review the security measures to ensure that they continue to meet security standards and are state of the art. To ensure maximum protection of our property and your personal data, we continuously analyse log data and communications from our systems. We use secure connections that protect all information between you and our website when you enter personal data. If Info Support employees have access to your data, they are required to keep it confidential.

Do we share your data with third parties?

If necessary, we share your data with external service providers with which we may have entered into a data processing agreement. They may use your data only to provide the relevant service. They may therefore not use or disclose your data independently. We do not sell data to any third party. In principle, we do not transfer your data outside the EU/EEA; if we do, we take appropriate safeguards.

What are your rights?
  • Access: at your request, we can provide you with information about, or may give you access to, your personal data in our possession.
  • Rectification: if certain information is incorrect or incomplete and you cannot change it yourself, we will rectify it for you.
  • Erasure: you may also ask us to erase or transfer your data.
  • Objection: you may also object to or restrict the data processing.
  • Withdrawal of consent: if you wish to withdraw any consent previously given, you may do so.

Please bear in mind that you always have certain rights, but that other rights depend on the situation. This means that in some cases we may not be able or allowed to comply with your question or request. Below is a list of the persons you may contact if you have a question or request.

Who to contact

Applicants: if you have any questions or wish to exercise any of the rights listed above, please contact our Human Resources department at

 Clients, suppliers and other contacts: if you have any questions or wish to exercise any of the rights listed above, please contact our Contract Management department at

We have also appointed a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to advise us and ensure that we comply with data protection laws and regulations. Our DPO is Rachel Reinhard; she is listed in the Personal Data Authority register. If you are unable to find her through HR or Contract Management, you can be referred to her.

 Effective date of this Privacy Statement
This Privacy Statement replaced our earlier statement on 8 November 2021. This Privacy Statement is reviewed periodically. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new statement on, after which it will take immediate effect.