DotNet Days Romania

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Als je geïnteresseerd bent in deelname aan een ander evenement, raadpleeg dan de pagina Evenementen. is a .NET & Software Architecture conference in Iasi, Romania .dotnetdays brings the .NET community in together for in-depth technical talks and workshops. A great lineup of speakers will talk about the latest technologies and trends in .NET and Microsoft Azure


  • Provide a platform where developers can exchange knowledge and experiences about .Net and connected technologies.
  • We reflect the energy and enthusiasm of .Net Community members
  • Put Iasi on the map as a powerful .Net Community
  • Help .NET community to keep up with the new wave of technologies

All the speakers and staff engage on a voluntary basis because they want to support and grow .NET Community.

Edwin van Wijk will give a session about: Lessons learned implementing CQRS, DDD and Event Sourcing in .NET

Over the last couple of years, I have been hired as the software-architect for several development teams with the assignment to build a new cloud-native and event-driven system based on a microservices architecture. .NET was selected as the primary development stack and this turned out to be a great choice. Most systems are still running in production today and fulfill the functional and non-functional requirements that were defined for the them. The session will give an insight into the way .NET was used for implementing DDD, the CQRS pattern and Event Sourcing for storing state. It will cover the rationale behind the choices made and the lessons learned while designing and building this system. The session will cover both concepts as well as code.

Sander Molenkamp wil give a session about: Let’s go on a Blazor adventure!

Blazor is a free and open-source web framework that enables developers to create web apps using C# and HTML. Being a .NET developer as well as a big fan of classic point-and-click adventure games. Sander has ported his Game-a-Tron 4000 adventure game engine to Blazor. In this session he will show you the resulting game and how it was implemented using Blazor. You will dive deep into Blazor Components and JavaScript interoperability, all while you can feel nostalgic for the good old days when games came to on floppy disk and graphics were pixelated!

Edwin and Sander will also give a session together: Dapr : build microservice applications the easy way

Dapr is an open source, event-driven, portable runtime for building microservices. It provides powerful building blocks to make it easy for developers to build resilient microservice applications using a variety of languages and frameworks. In this workshop you will get an introduction of Dapr and the Dapr building blocks. After that, you will learn how to apply Dapr yourself in a sample application during the hands-on part of the workshop. The workshop features step-by-step instp culture.ructions so you can work on this at your own pace. During the workshop you will get hands-on experience with the following Dapr building blocks: service invocation, state management, pub/sub, bindings and secret management. – .NET & Software Architecture conference in Romania