Future Tech 2023

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Future Tech is the technology conference for developers, architects and experts to discuss and dive deep into C#, .NET & Microsoft technologies such as .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, Azure and more. At Future Tech Sander Molenkamp will give the following talk:

Pub crawling in Orleans: exploring the Actor model

The Actor model has been around since the seventies, but modern multi-core CPUs and the increasing use of distributed systems have made the Actor model more popular than ever. Orleans, which is Microsoft’s implementation of the (virtual) Actor model, is also getting more attention. Microsoft is aligning Orleans 4 with .NET 7 to provide a simple, performant way to create actor-based distributed systems to developers. In this demo-heavy session, I’ll start by showing you the various features of Orleans, including how they compare to other Actor model implementations. Next you’ll learn how we can use those features to create a distributed pub crawl platform that is both easy to maintain and scale.

Future Tech 2023 | The .NET Conference Future Tech 2023