JavaZone 2022

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JavaZone – the biggest European community-driven conference for modern developers will be 21 years old in 2022! Don’t miss out on two days of inspiring tech talks, a day of hands-on sessions, mingling, and a great party! JavaZone is organized by javaBin, the Norwegian Java User Group. Their goal is to organize a community-driven conference for Java developers where they can learn new things, share knowledge, and socialize.

In 2019, JavaZone hosted over 3200 participants and 160 speakers across 7 parallel tracks over the course of two days!

At the event, three Info Support Colleagues will be present to give two talks:

Maarten Mulders Wednesday 09:00 – Room 6 with: What’s Cooking in Maven?
It’s been over 10 years since Maven 3 saw the light, bringing initial multi-module support. Later releases brought a lot of improvements, bug fixes, and of course coloured output.But the Maven community hasn’t been resting on their laurels. A lot of effort has gone into the future of Maven. You may have heard about Maven 4, Maven Wrapper, or Maven Daemon. Why should you care? And how will it change the way you use Maven? I will show you by using the latest snapshot builds of Maven – time will tell if that’s a brave or a stupid idea…Join me to find out what the future of Maven has for you!

Tom Cools and Elien Callens Wednesday 14:20 – Room 7 with: Leaving a legacy: a guide to being kind to those who come after.
There comes a time in any project when you feel you are completely “done” with it. Either you’ve learned all you can, the software is in production or you are completely fed up with the project or team and ask for a transfer. Whatever the reason for leaving, every line of code you wrote and every interaction you had will have a lasting impact on whoever needs to take over the reigns. How successful your successors will be is in no small part in your hands. This talk is about taking responsibility for what you leave behind. I talk about my decade long experience as a consultant in delivering software and handing over software. I’ll give examples and guidance on how to leave a legacy which isn’t despised and hated but instead is a solid foundation for future development.

JavaZone 2022