JCON Europe

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JCON EUROPE 2024 is the in-person Java community conference in Germany organized by the Java User Group Oberpfalz in cooperation with JAVAPRO Magazine. Java is our profession and JCON is our passion and a lot of fun. The organisation provides Java developers with a spectacular 100 % live conference open to the entire Java-User-Group communities.

In 2023, more than 1,000 participants from 34 countries and five continents had joined the JCON EUROPE 2023.

The 9th JCON edition is presented as an in-person conference – again in a multiplex cinema so that you can watch code on the BIG screen!

Among the many valued speakers will be Hanno Embregts with his session ‘What “Stairway to Heaven” Can Teach Us About Software Development.’

Tuesday May 14 | 5:00pm CEST | Cinema BlackBox

One of the most iconic rock songs ever written starts with the line “There’s a lady who’s sure all that glitters is gold…” and chances are you know the rest of the lyrics by heart. Though one could argue that this ability is rather useless. It’s not like it makes you a better software developer, right? Right?!

Allow Hanno to change your mind! He knows that the lyrics to “Stairway to Heaven” have sparked countless online debates over its meaning, but being a developer and a musician he thinks it is actually about software development. In fact, he even believes it contains a few good lessons on it and if that is the case, knowing the lyrics by heart can really benefit you.

So during this talk Hanno will perform snippets of the song, explain why he thinks it is about software development and how your next software project can be better because of it. He’ll make sure to cover the identity of ’the lady’, interpretation of requirements, reverting architectural decisions and the cost of overly ambitious guitar solos.

Also, our colleague Maarten Mulders will present a session together with Benjamin Marwell from Finanz Informatik: ‘Accelerating Maven Builds: From Snail’s Pace to Rocket Speed.’

Wednesday May 15 | 11:30am | Cinema 7

Are you tired of watching Maven builds crawl at a snail’s pace, wasting precious development time? Spending too much time at the coffee machine, or fighting battles with wooden swords under the excuse “my code’s compiling”?

Join Maarten and Benjamin to learn how to supercharge your Maven build! They’ll cover three main mechanisms that you can apply in your project. Learn how each speeds up your build, when they provide the biggest gains, and what pitfalls await.

So take the next step in boosting your developer productivity by learning practical tips to decrease context switching and increase development speed and feedback cycle. Your journey from snail’s pace to rocket speed begins today!