SustainabilIT (by SNiC)

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A national collaboration

Founded in 2004, the SNiC foundation aims to spread knowledge about the theoretical and business applications of Information and Communication Technology.
Each year’s conference is organized by a new group of student volunteers. Every year from a different city.
These study associations seat on the board and take turns organizing the conference.


Hanno Embregts will talk about ‘Will Git Be Around Forever? A List of Possible Successors’.

Ten years ago, only early adopters used Git. The majority used Subversion. Ten years later, almost everyone uses Git. Which makes me wonder: will this be different ten years from now? What features would we need in 2034? No history rewrites? Better collaboration? No merge conflicts ever? I’ll discuss a few post-Git products, including Fossil, Pijul and Sapling, and the features they contain. I’ll also predict whether Git will remain in the top spot or not. So attend this session if you want to have a shot at beating even (!) the early adopters. If it turns out I was right, remember that you heard it here first.