Techorama Netherlands

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Techorama Netherlands, The Jungle Edition, will take place on October 9-11 in Kinepolis Utrecht: on Monday the 9th there will be workshops and the conference will take place on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Meet our speakers at this important conference! And visit our booth!

On Monday, October 9, Edwin van Wijk and Sander Molenkamp, together with Alex Thissen, will organize the workshop ‘Dapr in a Day’.
Dapr is an open source, event-driven, portable runtime for building microservices. It provides powerful building blocks to make it easy for developers to build resilient microservice applications using a variety of languages and frameworks.
In this workshop you will get an introduction of Dapr and the Dapr building blocks. After that, you will learn how to apply Dapr yourself in a sample application during the hands-on part of the workshop.
The workshop features step-by-step instructions. During the workshop you will get hands-on experience with the following Dapr building blocks: service invocation, state management, pub/sub, bindings and secret management. You will also learn how to deploy Dapr to a Kubernetes (AKS) cluster and how to use Dapr to leverage several Azure services.
Note that the workshops will take place at the Van der Valk Hotel Utrecht!

Willem Meints will give two talks:

MLOps from the trenches: Building a computer vision solution to recognize shipping containers
We made a computer vision solution for a client that allows dock workers to quickly scan codes from shipping containers into an inspection app on their mobile phones so they can inspect the freight contained in the shipping containers. What sounded like an easy OCR project turned out to be quite an undertaking. We learned a ton from this project. For example that building a deep learning model can be quite a challenge especially when ready-made models turn out not to work for your case. In this session, we’ll talk you through our approach and the lessons we learned. We’ll cover the following topics: – How we made an MLOps environment on Azure without spending too much. – How we handled a dataset with 5.3 million samples and how that broke our environment. – How we deployed our model to Android and IOS so it can use the model without an internet connection. – How we’re using A/B testing on Android devices to find out which model is the best. If you’re interested in learning about MLOps outside the lab then this is certainly going to be entertaining.

Exploring Vector Databases: A Comprehensive Guide to Setup, Usage, and Use Cases
Vector databases are a new invention that few developers have worked with before. It’s a database but quite different from your average relational database. In this session, we’ll take a deep dive into vector databases and how to set one up and use it from your C# code. We’ll also look at some exciting use cases where we’ve used vector databases. Finally, we’ll show you what we learned using a vector database.

Sander Molenkamp will give the talk: Pub crawling in Orleans: exploring the Actor model
The Actor model has been around since the seventies, but modern multi-core CPUs and the increasing use of distributed systems have made the Actor model more popular than ever. Orleans, which is Microsoft’s implementation of the (virtual) Actor model, is also getting more attention. Microsoft is aligning Orleans 4 with .NET 7 to provide a simple, performant way to create actor-based distributed systems to developers. In this demo-heavy session, I’ll start by showing you the various features of Orleans, including how they compare to other Actor model implementations. Next you’ll learn how we can use those features to create a distributed pub crawl platform that is both easy to maintain and scale. *Beers not included.

Michaël Hompus will give the talk: Use your source code to document your application
As a development team, writing documentation is often not our favorite activity. And keeping it up to date after every code change is a bigger challenge. Developers claim that the source code is the documentation itself, but do your stakeholders agree, do they actually read the code? And does it show how the parts are working together? What if our source code would be the source of our documentation, for the team and our stakeholders? In this session we will see how we can utilize Roslyn to generate documentation. Like creating diagrams that display the structure and relationships within an aggregate, or a sequence diagram that displays the flow throughout the application. We will render this using file formats such as PlantUML, Markdown and AsciiDoc. After this session you will be able to let your source code speak in forms that your team and your stakeholders explain to the operation of your application.

Tom van den Berg will talk about: Continuous validation, getting grip on your non-functionals
Are you often caught off guard by unforeseen infrastructure failures or overwhelmed by non-functional requirements for your mission-critical applications? In this enlightening session, Tom sheds light on the critical yet often overlooked aspect of non-functional requirements. With a focus on leveraging the power of Azure, he demonstrates how to gain control over your non-functional requirements without hindering development speed. From ensuring code changes don’t compromise these requirements to fortifying applications against infrastructure failures, Tom equips attendees with practical strategies to meet non-functional requirements effectively in Azure.


Monday, October 9, 9:00 h.: Workshop Dapr in a Day – Edwin van Wijk and Sander Molenkamp
Tuesday, October 10, 11.15 h.: Pub crawling in Orleans: exploring the Actor model – Sander Molenkamp
Wednesday, October 11, 8:30 h.: Continuous validation, getting grip on your non-functionals – Tom van den Berg
Wednesday, October 11, 9:45 h.: Use your source code to document your application – Michaël Hompus
Wednesday, October 11, 9:45 h.: MLOps from the trenches: Building a computer vision solution to recognize shipping containers – Willem Meints
Wednesday, October 11, 16:00 h.: Exploring Vector Databases: A Comprehensive Guide to Setup, Usage, and Use Cases – Willem Meints



Techorama 2023