WebDev Zwolle: Synergy

Arcady is pleased to announce a new edition of WebDev Zwolle with the theme: Synergy
Join us for a fun evening of knowledge sharing, socializing and of course… bitterballs!

Event Schedule
18:30 – Doors open
18:55 – Introduction
19:00 – Talk 1: Sergio Mensing | An introduction to React Server Components
19:45 – Talk 2: Michaël Hompus en Bart Renders | From Duplo to Domain Knowledge
20:30 – Break
20:45 – Talk 3: Roelant Dieben | AI vs humans, synergy or moral dilemmas in the making
21:30 – Beer, bitterballs and socializing until the bar is closed


Michaël Hompus and Bart Renders will talk about ‘From Duplo to Domain Knowledge’.

Are you struggling to onboard new employees with technical skills but lacking domain knowledge? Instead of letting them learn the domain on their own, we developed a serious game to simplify and speed up the learning process.

We began with simple tools like post-its and evolved to using customized Duplo blocks to visualize complex processes. This hands-on approach made learning more engaging and effective.

In our session, we’ll share our journey from concept to implementation, offering practical tips on creating your own serious game to improve onboarding. Whether you’re an IT leader, trainer, or interested in innovative learning, join us to transform your onboarding process and help new team members quickly integrate and contribute.

WebDev Zwolle: Synergy, Wed, Nov 6, 2024, 6:30 PM | Meetup