How you COULD upgrade TFS V1 to WSS 3.0

Yesterday, Mike Glaser added a comment to one of my previous blog postings. In this posting I quote Jason Barile who made it very clear that upgrading WSS v2 to v3 will break your project portals with Team Foundation Server.


Mike, managed to upgrade nonetheless and posted a guide on how to get your TFS project sites running on WSS v3. click


Although I like WSS v3 really much, and also see the advantages of using WSS v3 instead of v2 with Team System I still don’t recommend you use Mike’s guide for your production environment. You will need to change your Process Template in order for this upgrade to get to work, so you’ll end up with projects made with different versions of your process template, something you should beware off! (and ofcourse this is not a Microsoft supported scenario)


That’s why the title of my blogposting is not ‘Why you should upgrade TFS V1 to WSS 3.0′ like Mike’s but ‘How you COULD upgrade TFS v1 to WSS 3.0′ 🙂



I didn’t actually try Mike’s guide, and also don’t support his remarks about the Visual Studio team and Microsoft in his summary. I suggest we just be a little more patient until MS tells us the official upgrade path for WSS v2 -> V3.