IBM Innovate 2012 - Day One

What a day. The first day of IBM Innovate 2012

(well actually we also attended

some presentations on sunday). I have seen lots of nice stuff today. Loads to talk about back at the Netherlands. Below is a picture of the stage where the keynotes were given. Sarah Backhouse was the host at the keynote this morning which 4000 (!!) people attended. A spectacle with music and important information from vice presidents from IBM and customers from IBM. We received some information about the way IBM is heading towards, but it was still a bit fuzzy. Some focus points in the keynotes:

– End-to-end integration of the development cycle from business to development to operations.
– Development focus on integration, collaboration, optimization.
– Customer focus on compelling User Experiences, rapid iterations, continous delivery.
– IT as a supply chain.

The next part of the day I picked a few interesting presentations about the new features of Rational Requirements Composer, a complete demo of the rational stack, Agile Coaching, Seven habits of highly effective agile teams and a presentation from our dutch collegeaus from Sogeti about trends in testing. Afterwards we visited the exhibit hall quickly, will visit it more later. Now it’s time to read some materials, a newly bought book and play with some Rational tooling after 10+ hours at the conference.

We had a great start! More in the upcoming days!