Feeling lucky today?. Due to a feet operation I’m in recovery at home. So my mind was spinning to do something. I was always wondering why there wasn’t a ORACLE management pack for MOM. Of course you could buy one form Netiq example , but the complete version will have more overhead that you want (I tried it). No I want a FREE and simple one!.
Ok so you’re lucky, here’s the free oracle MP.
I’m NOT a oracle expert so there maybe missing some checks but it’s a start. If you give me some remarks then I have a look at it.
What does it for all oracle instances:
– it monitors the oracle alert files. And report the important ORA-xxx messages and oracle text messages. (last one disabled by default).
– it monitors oracle NT services state changes.
– it collects important performance counters from the instances. (v$ views)
– It monitors the free space on tablespaces. And report if below 25% free.
– Oracle instances discovery. Automatically finds all instances and SIDs in all homes.
To use all the monitor features you must do a little configuration on the oracle instances and the mp.
At the oracle servers:
1. Change the alertlogfile locations. (no shutdown required)
1) open the enterprise manager login to the instance under system sysdba
2) go to configuration -> all initialization parameters
3) Change the “background_dump_dest” to “c:oraclealertlogs” You can change this path but then you have also to change the MOM alert log file provider.
4) Then apply.
5) Do step 1 .. 4 for every instance you have running on any server.
Now all the alert logs are written to a standard location. This is needed because the
Path of the “MOM application log provider” cannot be dynamically configured.
2. Install the ORACLE ODBC driver and client tools (connectivity) on the oracle servers.
3. The performance and table space check use a oracle account to login. You specify this at the respond rules. I use the system user for this. But better is to create a special account for this. If you do be sure it can read the sys.v$ views and the tablespace table.
At the mom oracle mp:
Import the MOM ORACLE MP
change the user and passwords of the respond script of the rules:
[MITS] ORACLE [MITS] ORACLE CHECKS [MITS] Collect Oracle free tablespace info
change the path of the “providers[MITS] oracle alert log files” provider to the location you have changed in step 1 “change the alertlogfile locations”
change or create more alert rules for notification.
do a commit.
That’s all.
What you will see at the operator console:
Open the mom operator console go to the “Alerts[MITS] Oracle” folder.
Open the mom operator console go to the “Performance[MITS] Oracle” folder.
There should me more views created but it’s a start.
Hope you enjoy this MP.
Download at :
Michel Kamp