Querying NServiceBus' MSMQ messages using Powershell

I’ll show how you can use Powershell to turn the messages in NServiceBus’ audit and error queues (or any queue, really) into custom PSObjects that can be easily filtered and/or formatted, effectively providing a simple way to analyze NServiceBus communication.


We’re using NServiceBus to integrate quite a few of the applications used by Info Support internally, and at one point, I needed to be able to look under the hood to see how some of the messages flowed between these applications.

Because Powershell can be used to access the MSMQ queues and has excellent XML and querying/filtering support, I figured it could go a long way in making this information more accessible – and this is what I’m going to demonstrate here.

I’m using NServiceBus 4.7 with MSMQ transport and XML message serialization, and Powershell 4.

Reading Messages from a queue

In order to be able to use the .NET MessageQueue, we’ll need to load the System.Messaging.dll into our Powershell session:


Next. we’ll create the MessageQueue object that represents the local “audit” queue in which NServiceBus stores a copy of all processed messages.

$queueName = ".private$audit"
$queue = new-object System.Messaging.MessageQueue($queueName)

# To access a private queue remotely, use the following syntax:
# $queueName = "FormatName:DIRECT=OS:<servername>private$audit"

Here’s a caveat: By default, when retrieving Messages from a queue only some Message properties are set; this is determined by the MessageReadPropertyFilter. NServiceBus stores all its metadata in the Message.Extension property, so make sure that’s retrieved as part of the message:

$queue.MessageReadPropertyFilter.Extension = $true

Now we can retrieve all Messages in the queue:

# Retrieve all messages at once (could use a lot of memory)
$messages = $queue.GetAllMessages()

# Or, use this to get the messages in a more stream-like fashion:
# $messages = $queue.GetMessageEnumerator2()

Inspecting the message contents

If you’re using NServiceBus with the XML serializer, the Message.Body is best read into an XmlDocument. For example, to display the contents of the first message:

$message = $messages[0]
$bodyXml = new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument
$bodyXml.PreserveWhitespace = $true

Another interesting piece is the NServiceBus metadata, which is stored in the Extension property as XML:

$ms = new-object System.IO.MemoryStream(,[byte[]]$message.Extension)
$extensionXml = new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument
$extensionXml.PreserveWhitespace = $true

It contains a collection of key/value pairs with all kinds of useful information (and for messages in the error queue, this also includes details about the exception that occured):

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ArrayOfHeaderInfo xmlns_xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns_xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
    <Value>2015-05-12 09:38:33:255622 Z</Value>

Now that you know how to inspect the NServiceBus message details for individual MSMQ messages, lets try and make this information more accessible so that we’re better able to filter and display multiple messages.

Creating custom PSObjects and extracting XML data

We’re going to create a Powershell function that turns a Message into a custom PSObject with all useful message and metadata information as easily accessible properties. This function takes its input from the Powershell pipeline…

function ConvertTo-NServiceBusMessage()
      [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true, Mandatory = $true)]

      # Create a new PSObject with a Message property for the original MSMQ message.
      $result = New-Object PSObject
      $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "Message" -Value $message

      return $result

…so that we can pipe the Messages to it directly from the queue:

$queue.GetAllMessages() | ConvertTo-NServiceBusMessage

Right now each PSObject only contains a Message property for the original message, which isn’t particularly useful. So, let’s add BodyXml and MetadataXml properties to it:

   # ...

   # Our NServiceBus messages are serialized to xml, provide it as an XmlDocument property named BodyXml.
   # Note that NServiceBus subscription requests don't have a body.
   $bodyXml = new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument
   if($message.BodyStream.Length -gt 0)
   $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "BodyXml" -Value $bodyXml

   # Most of NServiceBus' metadata is stored as xml in the Extension part of a message. 
   $metadataXml = new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument
   if(($message.Extension.Length) -gt 0)
      $ms = new-object System.IO.MemoryStream(,[byte[]]$message.Extension)
   $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "MetadataXml" -Value $metadataXml

   return $result

Even better, because the NServiceBus metadata is already organized as key/value pairs, we can add a separate NoteProperty for each entry as well:

   # ...

   # The metadata is made up from key/value pairs in a series of HeaderInfo elements. Add a property to the $result
   # object for each of these key/value pairs.
   $metadataXml.SelectNodes("//HeaderInfo") | ForEach-Object {
      $key = $_["Key"].InnerText
      $value = $_["Value"].InnerText

      # Some properties are known to represent a DateTime; parse these as such.
      if($key -eq "NServiceBus.TimeSent" -or $key -eq "NServiceBus.TimeOfFailure")
         $value = [System.DateTime]::ParseExact($value, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:ffffff Z", [System.Globalization.CultureInfo]::InvariantCulture)

      $result | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name $key -Value $value

   return $result

Obviously, we can also extract information from the mesage body and add that as separate properties. We’ll have to fiddle with namespaces though, because the NServiceBus XML serializer places the serialized message data in an xml default namespace that is derived from the message’s .NET namespace.
For example, the .NET type MyCompany.Acme.Events.ContactUpdated would be serialized as:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Messages xmlns_xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
      <FullName>Petersen, Bob</FullName>

In order to query this xml with XPath, we need a XmlNamespaceManager because XPath 1.0 doesn’t provide a way to access elements in the default namespace without a prefix. So instead, we’ll have the prefix “ns” correspond to the document’s default namespace:

   $nsmgr = new-object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager($bodyXml.NameTable)
   $nsmgr.AddNamespace("ns", $bodyXml.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI)

We can now access the elements in the default namespace, for example to extract the message type with (don’t forget to specify the namespace manager):

   # The Messages' first child element defines the NServiceBus message name.
   $messageType = $bodyXml.SelectSingleNode("/ns:Messages/*[1]", $nsmgr).LocalName
   Add-Member -InputObject $message -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ESB.MessageType" -Value $messageType

Or, to extract some identifying information such as a contact or company name:

   $targetName = $bodyXml.SelectSingleNode("//ns:Contact/ns:FullName | //ns:Company/ns:Name", $nsmgr).InnerText
   Add-Member -InputObject $message -MemberType NoteProperty -Name "ESB.TargetName" -Value $targetName

Note that Powershell also supports dot notation for XmlElements, where child elements and attributes can be accessed as if they were properties. If you know what you’re looking for (i.e. when you don’t need the XPath “//” operator) this is generally more readable than using XPath.
For example, determining the contact’s full name could also be done like this:

   $targetName = $bodyXml.Messages.ContactUpdated.Contact.FullName

For an overview of how to handle XML with Powershell, check out this excellent article: PowerShell Data Basics: XML

Presenting the results

If you run Get-Member against the result…

$queue.GetAllMessages() | ConvertTo-NServiceBusMessage | Get-Member

…you’ll find that there is now indeed a property for everything we’ve added, including all metadata properties:

   TypeName: System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject

Name                             MemberType    Definition
----                             ----------    ----------
$.diagnostics.originating.hostid NoteProperty  System.String $.diagnostics.originating.hostid=f00621fce72168618b86cec9be3416ed
BodyXml                          NoteProperty  System.Xml.XmlDocument BodyXml=#document
ESB.MessageType                  NoteProperty  System.String ESB.MessageType=ContactUpdated
ESB.TargetName                   NoteProperty  System.String ESB.TargetName=Petersen, Bob
Message                          NoteProperty  System.Messaging.Message Message=System.Messaging.Message
MetadataXml                      NoteProperty  System.Xml.XmlDocument MetadataXml=#document
NServiceBus.ControlMessage       NoteProperty  System.String NServiceBus.ControlMessage=True
NServiceBus.CorrelationId        NoteProperty  System.String NServiceBus.CorrelationId=7c8cf79e-31bc-4a47-9f7b-a42900e8d9ee
NServiceBus.MessageId            NoteProperty  System.String NServiceBus.MessageId=7c8cf79e-31bc-4a47-9f7b-a42900e8d9ee
NServiceBus.MessageIntent        NoteProperty  System.String NServiceBus.MessageIntent=Subscribe
NServiceBus.OriginatingAddress   NoteProperty  System.String NServiceBus.OriginatingAddress=AcmeAdapter@TSTSERVER

You can now use these properties to filter the Messages with and to display them in a grid (note that a lot of the property names have a ‘.’ in them, and so need to be wrapped in quotes when using them):

$queue.GetAllMessages() |
    ConvertTo-NServiceBusMessage |
    Where-Object { $_.'NServiceBus.MessageIntent' -eq 'Publish' } |
    Format-Table -AutoSize -Property @('NServiceBus.TimeSent', 'NServiceBus.ProcessingEndpoint', 'NServiceBus.EnclosedMessageTypes')

Or, if you want full control over how the results are displayed:

$format = @(
    @{Label="MessageId"; Width=40; Expression={$_.'NServiceBus.MessageId'}},
    @{Label="Sent"; Width=25; Expression={$_.'NServiceBus.TimeSent'}},
    @{Label="From"; Width=10; Expression={$_.'NServiceBus.OriginatingEndpoint' -replace "MyCompany.(w+).ServiceBusAdapter", '$1'}},
    @{Label="To"; Width=10; Expression={$_.'NServiceBus.ProcessingEndpoint' -replace "MyCompany.(w+).ServiceBusAdapter", '$1'}},
    @{Label="Intent"; Width=10; Expression={$_.'NServiceBus.MessageIntent'}},
    @{Label="Message type"; Width=20; Expression={$_.'ESB.MessageType'}},
    @{Label="Target name"; Width=20; Expression={$_.'ESB.TargetName'}},
    @{Label="Error"; Width=140; Expression={$_.'NServiceBus.ExceptionInfo.Message'}})

$queue.GetAllMessages() |
    ConvertTo-NServiceBusMessage |
    Where-Object { $_.'ESB.MessageType' -like 'Contact*' } |
    Format-Table $format

Produces the following:

MessageId                                Sent                      From       To         Intent     Message type         Target name          Error
---------                                ----                      ----       --         ------     ------------         -----------          -----
fd3ea843-941c-4ebc-9cbd-a43a00ea6982     2/9/2015 2:13:28 PM       Crm        Sales      Publish    ContactUpdated       Anderson, Alice
4e9dcf54-a8b9-43f5-9298-a45600c5a40f     3/9/2015 11:59:35 AM      Crm        Sales      Publish    ContactUpdated       Barton, Bob
c6e9fc8b-755f-45f2-bcf5-a497009eabbd     5/13/2015 9:37:42 AM      Crm        Shipping   Publish    ContactCreated       Cross, Carol


As you can see, the combination of Powershell, NServiceBus, MSMQ and XML is a very powerful one. I recommend keeping this in your bag of tricks for the next time you need to figure out how a particular set of NServiceBus messages were sent and/or what went wrong.