SP1 for Server 2008 R2 is here

And it has the coolest feature around: ( Yes I know, VMWare had this already for years, so now stop about it.) SP1 has Dynamic Memory support for Virtual machines. on the settings Tab you are able to configure it like this:


One can specify a startup amount to reserve, and let the virtual Balloon if needed. If it needs the memory space it can shrink the memory used, up to the specified reserved memory percentage. it is also possible to prioritize the memory usage between machines. with the lower slider.

Remember to upgrade the integration components inside the VM’s to use this feature though.

This is just my findings after opening the VM Settings for a couple of minutes, I will get back to you later with more.

There is more news, I have not looked at yet: like: News in RDS.  If time permits today, I will try to post news about that new stuff also.