Using, Dispose, Close and Connections

Please note that my explanation in this post is incorrect. I am sorry if I caused any trouble.

In .NET 2.0 disposing the SqlConnection DOES return the connection into the connectionpool.

In my experience .NET 1.1 acted differently; I will try to investigate this and let you know.


In many talks, tutorials and books you will find C# code that explains the use of using like this:

using(SqlConnection connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))

Whenever and however execution leaves this using block (power outage disregarded) the connection will be closed because when leaving a using block the Dispose method will be called on the connection object.

The MSDN states[1]:

SqlConnection.Dispose Method

Releases the resources used by the SqlConnection.

And poses this example:

public void SqlConnectionHereAndGone()
  SqlConnection myConnection = new SqlConnection(“…”);

  //Calling Dispose also calls SqlConnection.Close.
myConnection.Dispose(); }

All this leads many developers to think that it doesn’t matter whether you call Dispose or Close.


Dispose looks like this (thanks to Reflector[2]):

protected override void Dispose(bool disposing)
      if (disposing)
            this._userConnectionOptions = null;
            this._poolGroup = null;

Yes it calls Close but: it also calls base.Dispose which releases all claimed resources INCLUDING the unmanaged resources that keep the connection in the connection pool alive.

Lessons to be learned:

  1. Use Close and Dispose depending on the situation.
  2. Do NOT explain the using keyword by using an example that shows a DbConnection.

It’s great to be a trainer and a geek[3].

[1] SqlConnection.Dispose
[2] Reflector
[3] Geek