Windows 7 Mobility center rocks

One of the features I really like about Windows Vista and Windows 7 is the Windows Mobility Center.I have been using it without looking very deep into it, but today while my students are doing a lab, I looked into it a little bit more: and I ran into the following feature setting: When switching to presentation mode it already blocked pop-ups etc. so your presentation is not interrupted by Joe who comes into messenger with his always funny remarks. We all know how embarrassing that can be. I like the feature Windows 7 has of the “slideshow desktop Background”, but when presenting I would like to have it as professional as possible, even with our company background. I used to change backgrounds manually, but today I found the following: 


which gives me access to the following options screen:



This solves my problem of having a lot of preparation to do ahead of starting a presentation.

Now I wish this option would become available in Server 2008 R2…